One thing I learned while spending 5 weeks in Tokyo is that the japanese are great at casting that critical eye upon others, but not upon themselves. The photo above is from a poster in the Kyoto train station and it very obvious shows that when Japanese men get out of control they cause shame by doing stupid stuff like holding their arms out. But you'll notice that the westerner, the cheesy guy with blonde/red hair wearing the gold chain cannot help but to molest Japanese women. Hey baby! heh heh! Its kinda funny, but I did notice that when Japanese people encounter you unexpectedly, there is a sense of surprise or shock? I'm sure they think that all westerners are crazy and violent and out of control and posters like this one help to further that fear.
Note: So guys, I am home and exhausted and fighting jetlag. I have a couple more posts I want to make about japan, but it is good to be home and have a few days before I start teaching in summer B.
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